Empowering resilience.

Embracing imperfection.

Imperfectly Resilient is on a mission to help people prevent and overcome burnout.

Imperfectly Resilient

Is letting go of the desire for a more perfect version of our lives in the future, allowing us to experience life fully and in the moment.

Is having control of our thoughts and actions, navigating life’s challenges with self-compassion, and acceptance.

Is thriving despite the imperfections we perceive in and around us.

[im·​pər·​fik(t)·​lē] the tense of a verb used to show an action as incomplete or in a continuous state

[ri·ˈzil·yənt] able to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened

Get unstuck and get busy living.

  • Exhausted woman with multiple coffees

    Constantly exhausted..?

    Chronically low energy is a leading indicator that is commonly dismissed as mere fatigue.

    Burnout sets in gradually after prolonged periods of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

    As a result, we adjust and come to see feeling exhausted as normal.

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Services and Offerings

Individual Coaching

Regain a sense of control in your life by developing skills, habits, and mindsets that empower you to overcome mental and emotional challenges.

I know firsthand how difficult it can be to escape overwhelm and burnout. Full recovery can take time, but a sense of relief sets in the moment we decide to take action. When you’re ready to take the next step, I’m here to serve and empower you with relatable credibility, practicality, and empathy.

Email info@imperfectlyresilient.com or complete the contact form below to start the discussion.

Business Consulting

A highly resilient workforce makes for happier clients, more effective collaboration, and passionate innovation.

Employees don’t need to look for satisfaction in another job or hope for it with changes in their leadership or colleagues. They feel empowered to own their career and adopt a positive solution-oriented mindset and lead with emotional maturity.

After 20 years of coaching, mentoring, and advising interns, mid-career professionals, C-suite executives, and board members, my passion and focus is helping teams create more resilient employees with executive coaching and workshops.

Email info@imperfectlyresilient.com or complete the contact form below to start the conversation.

Higher Education Consulting

As an individual is choosing a field of study or starting their career, lacking awareness of their true interests and passions, or allowing them to be supplanted by external influences presents an inherently higher risk of burnout later in life.

The majority of clients I see on an individual basis are trying to escape overwhelm and burnout. By partnering with higher education institutions my goal is to prevent the likelihood of burnout later in life.

Empower your students to future-proof their resilience through the major life and career decisions that lie ahead.

Email info@imperfectlyresilient.com or complete the contact form below to learn how I can help.

Free Resources

Increasing personal resilience gives us more power, confidence, and ability to overcome challenges in all aspects of life.

I will always strive to provide access to practical resources that help individuals create and maintain resilience. You can find the following under the RESOURCES navigation menu dropdown.

Personality Assessments
Recommended Reading
Regulating our Mind and Mood

Receive updates as new resources are added by subscribing to the newsletter.

Let’s Get to Work

Reach out and let me know how I can help.


913-213-3122 (call or text)

Support Our Efforts

Your support can help us achieve our mission.

Preventing Burnout

What if we could reduce the likelihood that someone will become burned out?

Attacking the roots of burnout is an evolving focus for Imperfectly Resilient. Our commitment to provide essential knowledge and resources is one way we hope to bring awareness to burnout prevention practices.

We’re also working to equip young adults (17-24) with knowledge, tools, and strategies to help them explore their passions and strengths, while forming a sense of self as they decide what fields of study and/or careers to pursue.

Your support provides us the resources to grow this outreach.

Financial Hardship

Burnout doesn’t discriminate against its victims based on their financial status.

The number of people experiencing burnout is on the rise. Issues related to money are a significant contributing factor leading people to burnout. We’re passionate about helping them recover and restore a sense of control and fulfillment in life.

Your support helps us provide discounted, and in some cases free, services to those experiencing financial hardship.

Your support is greatly appreciated!

We’re always looking for ways to reach more people. Send any questions or ideas to info@imperfectlyresilient.com.

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